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Ingvild Syntropia / Lee Squires

Friday 1st July, puxe&pull present a rare double-bill concert of nordic and contemporary folk music at The Betsey Trotwood, London.

Ingvild Syntropia, a Norwegian singer and actress, and Lee Squires, a British singer-songwriter, combine elements of their styles and influences in their first live performance together.

Ingvild Syntropia was brought up on a musical diet of Nordic folk, world music, and Radiohead.

Performing from an early age alongside her singer/songwriter/guitarist dad, she has since been in various bands and choirs, soundtrack and voice-over for PC games, and a vocalist on five album releases including Olam Ein Sof (Brazil) and Necessary Animals (UK).

Lee Squires has been exploring the growing new music scene in Lisbon, Portugal.

Interested in hybrid genres and modernising folk music, his first project abroad, titled ’Songs Bob Dylan would never play, played like Bob Dylan', combines his passion for comedy and folk music, and a later project, ‘Leema’ with Mariana Costa (Portugal), explores traditional folk music in a playful, contemporary style.

Friday 1st July

18:30 Doors

19:30 Concert


Reserve via TicketTailer

or cash on the door


The Betsey Trotwood, EC1R 3BL

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